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Vaginal Dryness Treatment, Personalised to You

Vaginal dryness (sometimes known as Vaginal atrophy) can be common if you’re experiencing the menopause, going through postpartum pregnancy, undergoing cancer treatments, or it can even occur as a side effect of contraceptives.

Vaginal dryness can seem like an embarrassing or even taboo subject, but the truth is, 34% of women between the ages of 57-69 experience this.

While it can be comforting to know that you’re not alone, it doesn’t make it any less frustrating and it can have a detrimental impact on your daily life and relationships, however, with the help of expert gynaecology services, symptoms can be relieved and you can feel more and more comfortable each day.

happy woman

I was extremely anxious when going for my initial consultation but Mr Taylor immediately put me at ease. I am no longer in any discomfort and it has made such a difference to my confidence. I am so grateful to Mr Taylor for this positive change in my life.

– Sandra F

Private Treatment for Vaginal Atrophy and Other Conditions

Most cases of Vaginal Dryness are due to low levels of oestrogen in the body. You may have also tried vaginal moisturisers or lubricants before to help however this has only offered a temporary fix.

We understand how frustrating it can be when a treatment doesn’t deliver the results that you hoped for, but don’t lose hope. Just because you’ve tried topical and oral treatments doesn’t mean that you can’t find a long-lasting, effective treatment.

With over 30 years of experience in women’s health, Mr Alexander Taylor offers specialist gynaecology services for women in several private clinics across Bournemouth, offering a range of minimally invasive treatment options. Treatment offered includes hormone replacement therapies and the innovative Mona Lisa Touch laser therapy; a non-surgical treatment used to relieve symptoms such as:

  • Burning
  • Itching
  • Pain/loss of sensation during intercourse
  • Urinary incontinence
  • Irregular bleeding
  • Changes to sleeping pattern
  • Depression
  • Irritability
  • Mood changes
  • Hot flashes
  • Painful sex

Not every treatment may be right for every individual’s needs, so we will create a personalised treatment plan based on a thorough consultation to provide guidance on the best course of action. To discuss how we can help you, get in touch below.

Why Go Private?

Private consultants like Alex Taylor are able to create tailored treatment plans, personalised to your individual symptoms. Private doctors have highly specialist knowledge around specific areas you may have concerns around. Plus, you can get seen within weeks rather than waiting up to a year for an initial appointment.

Book A 15 Minute Consultation in 3 Easy Steps

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  1. Select the Type of Appointment You Would Like
  • An in-person appointment
  • A virtual appointment on Zoom
  • A Telephone appointment

Then, book your consultation online.

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  1. Attend Your Consultation

Your consultation will be held either in person, on zoom, or over the telephone – whichever makes you the most comfortable. Your consultation is your time to share your symptoms and concerns with Alex as well as asking any questions that you may have.

Tailored treatment plan icon
  1. Get Your Treatment Plan

After listening carefully to your symptoms, Alex will then use his expert knowledge to create a treatment plan that’s tailored directly to you.

About Mr Alex Taylor

Your Consultant Gynaecologist will be Mr Alexander Taylor MBBS MD FRCOG PGCMED. Currently, Mr Taylor acts in various roles, including being the Training Programme Director for Wessex Health Education England, an examiner for RCOG (the Royal College of Obstetricians & Gynaecologists) as well as fulfilling the role of external assessor for Subspecialty Training. During the course of his career, Alex has held the position of Convenor for the RCOG, which includes training faculty members and trainers on international exam revision and training courses in countries such as:

  • China
  • Hong Kong
  • Saudi Arabia
  • India
  • UAE & Qatar

Alex has specialised in women’s health since 1996 and has had over 40 television appearances and publications regarding gynaecology and obstetrics. In addition to this, he also holds 5 Clinical Excellence Awards and has won the David Stern Prize for Service Development.

Frequently Asked Questions

Vaginal Dryness is very common and can affect any woman, but it’s most common in those experiencing Perimenopausal symptoms, Menopausal symptoms, Postmenopausal symptoms, Postpartum symptoms, and those who have been treated for Breast Cancer.

The symptoms include (but aren’t limited to)

  • Heavy/irregular bleeding
  • Itching
  • Burning
  • Pain/loss of sensation with intercourse
  • Urinary incontinence
  • Lichen Sclerosus
  • Lack of energy
  • Hot flushes
  • Night sweats
  • Irritability

If you are experiencing symptoms that aren’t on this list, please get in touch to see if we can help.

It would be wise to avoid:

  • Tight clothing
  • Perfumed soaps/washes
  • Bubble bath
  • Creams
  • Lotions
  • Petroleum jelly

We would advise seeking treatment if you feel that your daily life is being affected, other options aren’t working, you have noticed unusual discharge, or you are bleeding from your vagina (this also includes between periods and after intercourse).