The Only Treatment Against Vaginal Atrophy Symptoms Supported by Clinical Studies
I am delighted to report that I will be running a clinic twice a month on a Monday morning (8am to 1pm) from The Sandbanks Clinic, Bournemouth where in addition to my normal services I will also be offering this new and exciting treatment for Vaginal Atrophy – The Monalisa Touch ®. This is a gentle, innovative treatment for internal or external vaginal dryness or soreness. It’s quick, non-surgical, hormone-free
Vaginal atrophy is a very common condition, especially among women in menopause (either natural or induced) or during post-partum. The vulvovaginal region is very sensitive to estrogen decline, with a series of consequences that impact directly on the quality of a woman’s life: weakness and laxity of the vaginal mucosa, dryness, itching and burning, pain during sexual intercourse (dyspareunia).
MonaLisa Touch ® is ground breaking Laser treatment against Vaginal Atrophy, Laxity and Urinary Incontinence. It is the only procedure proven not only by clinical results but also by detailed ultrastructural and histological studies. Scientific publications of the results demonstrate the effective tissue regeneration achieved thanks to the unique combination of the wavelength of the CO2 laser, the structure of the D-Pulse and adequate emission power.